Highest entry level salaries, an opportunity to be a part of recognized group of professionals and a variety of exciting areas to work in, Engineering career has a lot to offer to its prospective students.
It is the perfect field for those who are inquisitive about knowing how things work and created, since it includes designing, evaluating, developing, testing, modifying, installing and maintaining a large variety of products and systems.
However, when it comes to ensuring a successful career in engineering, getting a degree is merely a fraction of the journey. With the highly competitive market these days, employers only give preference to those candidates who have travelled and studied due to the experienced they gained that could be helpful in the workforce.
Australia is not just a paradise for tourists but also has a strong reputation for having world-class universities, an affordable lifestyle, strong economy and higher employment opportunities. The last decade has seen a significant rise of international students heading to Australia for higher studies with a special focus on engineering.
Be it civil, mechanical, telecommunications, computer, agriculture, industrial, petroleum, geological, aerospace, electrical, chemical, biomedical, Australia offers a wide range of engineering courses to help students specialise in their field. It also offer post-graduate programs that help you take a step forward towards a successful career.
Developed by Engineering Education Australia (EEA) and gazetted by the Department of Home Affairs, the Professional Year Program in Engineering consists of training and engineering internship placement for international graduates from Australian universities. It is a 44 weeks work readiness program that allows international students gain valuable experience of the Australian workforce and 5 additional migration points for Permanent Residency.
Since Engineering is one of the most popular occupations on Skilled Occupation List (SOL) of Australia, international graduates who are qualified in this field are given high priority for permanent residency visa. There are number of migration opportunities available for graduates including Skilled-Graduate Visa (TR), Regional Sponsored Visa or Employer Nomination Scheme Visa.